2013 Ranavirus Publications


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Peer-Refereed Journals


1.     Abrams, A. J., D. C. Cannatella, D. M. Hillis, and S. L. Sawyer.  2013.  Recent host shifts in ranaviruses: signatures of positive selection in the viral genome.  Journal of General Virology 94:2082-2093.

2.     Allender, M. C., D. Bunick, and M. A. Mitchell.  2013.  Development and validation of TaqMan quantitative PCR for detection of frog virus 3-like virus in eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina).  Journal of Virological Methods 188:121-125.

3.     Allender, M. C., M. A. Mitchell, T. Torres, J. Sekowska, and E. A. Driskell.  2013.  Pathogenicity of Frog Virus 3-like virus in red-eared slider turtles at two environmental temperatures.  Journal of Comparative Pathology 149:356-367.

4.     Allender, M. C., M. A. Mitchell, J. Yarborough, and S. Cox.  2013.  Pharmacokinetics of a single oral dose of acyclovir and valacyclovir in North American box turtles (Terrapene sp.).  J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 36, 205–208

5.     Allender, M. C., M. A. Mitchell, D. McRuer, S. Christian, and J. Bryd.  2013.  Prevalence, clinical signs, and natural history characteristics of frog virus 3-like infections in eastern box turtles.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(2):308−320.

6.     Bayley, A. E., B. J. Hill, and S. W. Fiest.  2013.  Susceptibility of the European common frog Rana temporaria to a panel of ranavirus isolates from fish and amphibian hosts.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 103:171-183

7.     Becker, J.A., A. Tweedie, D. Gilligan, M. Asmus, and R. J. Whittington.  2013.  Experimental infection of Australian freshwater fish with epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (EHNV).  Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 25:66-76.

8.     Behncke, H., A. C. Stöhr, K. O. Heckers, I. Ball, and R. E. Marschang.  2013.  Mass-mortality in green striped tree dragons (Japalura splendida) associated with multiple viral infections.  Veterinary Record (2013).  doi10.1136/vr.101545

9.     Chen, Z., J. Gui, X. Gao, C. Pei, Y. Hong, and Q.-Y. Zhang.  2013.  Genome architecture changes and major gene variations of Andrias davidianus ranavirus (ADRV).  Veterinary Research 44:101.

10.  Duffus, A. L. J., and A. M. Andrews.  2013.  Phylogenetic analysis of a Frog Virus 3-like ranavirus found at a site with recurrent mortality and morbidity events in southeastern Ontario, Canada: Partial Major Capsid Protein Sequence alone is not sufficient for fine-scale differentiation.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:464-467.

11.  Duffus, A. L. J., R. A. Nichols, and T. W. J. Garner. 2013. Investigations into the Life History Stages of the Common Frog, Rana temporaria, Affected by an Amphibian Ranavirus in the United Kingdom. Herpetological Review 44:260-263.

12.  Eaton, H. E., A. F. Lacerda, G. Desrochers, J. Metcalf, A. Angers, and C. R. Brunetti.  2013.  Cellular LITAF interacts with Frog Virus 3 75L protein and alters its subcellular localization.  Journal of Virology 87:716-723

13.  Farnsworth, S. D., and R. A. Seigel.  2013.  Responses, movements, and survival of relocate box turtles during construction of the Intercounty Connector Highway in Maryland.  Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2362.

14.  Forzán, M. J., and J. Wood.  2013.  Low detection of ranavirus DNA in wild postmetamorphic green frogs, Rana (Lithobates) clamitans, despite previous or concurrent tadpole mortality.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:879-886.

15.  Goodman, R. M., D. L. Miller, and Y. T. Ararso.  2013.  Prevalence of ranavirus in Virginia turtles as detected by tail-clip sampling versus oral-cloacal swabbing.  Northeastern Naturalist 20:325-332.

16.  Hamed, M. K., M. J. Gray, and D. L. Miller.  2013.  First report of ranavirus in plethodontid salamanders from the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Virginia, USA Herpetological Review 44:455-457

17.  Homan, R. N., J. R. Bartling, R. J. Stenger, and J. L. Brunner. 2013. Detection of Ranavirus in Ohio, USA. Herpetological Review 44:615-618.

18.  Huang, X. H., Y. H. Huang, J. Cai, S. N. Wei, R. Gao, and Q. W. Qin.  2014.  Identification and characterization of a tumor necrosis factor receptor like protein encoded by Singapore grouper iridovirus.  Virus Research 178:340-348

19.  Landsberg, J. H., Y. Kiryu, M. Tabuchi, T. B. Waltzek, K. M. Enge, S. Reintjes-Tolen, A. Preston, and A. P. Pessier.  2013.  Co-infection by alveolate parasites and frog virus 3-like ranavirus during an amphibian larval mortality event in Florida, USA.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105:89-99.

20.  Ma, J., L. Zeng, Y. Zhou, N. Jiang, H. Zhang, Y. Fan, Y. Meng, and J. Xu.  2013.  Ultrastructural morphogenesis of an amphibian iridovirus isolated from Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).  J. Comp. Path. (online).

21.  Meng, Y., H. Zhang, H. Liang, L. Zeng, H. Xiao, and C. Xie.  2013.  Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of iridovirus in the Chinese giant salamander.  Journal of Virological Methods 194:211-216.

22.  Monsen-Collar, K., L. Hazard, and P. Dolcemascolo. 2013. A ranavirus-related mortality event and the first report of ranavirus in New Jersey. Herpetological Review 44:263-265.

23.  Rothermel, B. B., E. R. Travis, D. L. Miller, R. L. Hill, J. L. McGuire, and M. J. Yabsley.  2013.  High occupancy of stream salamanders despite high Ranavirus prevalence in a Southern Appalachians Watershed.  EcoHealth 10:184-189.

24.  Reeve, B. C., E. J. Crespi, C. M. Whipps, and J. L. Brunner.  2013.  Natural stressors and ranavirus susceptibility in larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica).  EcoHealth DOI: 10.1007/s10393-013-0834-6.

25.  Richter, S. C., A. N. Drayer, J. R. Strong, C. S. Kross, D. L. Miller, and M. J. Gray.  2013.  High prevalence of ranavirus infection in permanent constructed wetlands in eastern Kentucky, USA.  Herpetological Review 44:464-466.

26.  Ring, B. A., A. Ferreira Lacerda, D. J. Drummond, C. Wangen, H. E. Eaton, and C. R. Brunetti.  2013.  Frog virus 3 open reading frame 97R localizes to the endoplasmic recticulum and induces nuclear invaginations.  Journal of Virology 87:9199-9207.

27.  Stöhr, A. C., J. Fleck, F. Mutschmann, and R. E. Marschang.  2013.  Ranavirus infection in a group of wild-caught Lake Urmia newts Neurergus crocatus imported from Iraq to Germany.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 103:185-189.

28.  Stöhr, A. C., S. Blahak, K. O. Heckers, J. Wiechert, H. Behncke, K. Mathes, P. Günther, P. Zwart, I. Ball, B. Rüschoff, and R. Marschang.  2013.  Ranavirus infection associated with skin lesions in lizards.  Veterinary Research 44:84.

29.  Stöhr, A. C., A. Hoffman, T. Papp, N. Robert, N. B. M. Pruvost, H.-U. Reyer, and R. E. Marschang.  2013.  Long-term study of an infection with ranavirus in a group of edible frogs and partial characterization of two viruses based on four genomic regions.  The Veterinary Journal 197:238-244

30.  Titus, V. R., and T. M. Green. 2013. Presence of ranavirus in Green Frogs and Eastern Tiger Salamanders on Long Island, New York. Herpetological Review 44:266-267.

31.  Whitfield, S. M., E. Geerdes, I. Chacon, E. Ballestero Rodriguez, R. R. Jimenez, M. A. Donnelly, and J. L. Kerby.  2013.  Infection and co-infection by the amphibian chytrid fungus and ranavirus in wild Costa Rican frogs.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104:173-178.

32.  Zhang, B.-C., M. Zhang, B.-G. Sun, Y. Fang, Z.-Z. Xiao, and L. Sun.  2013.  Complete genome sequence and transcription profiles of the rock bream iridovirus RBIV-C1.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104:203-214

33.  Zhang, M., H. Jing, L. Zhang, N. Wang, S. Wu, and X. Lin.  2013.  A loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detection of member of the genus Ranavirus.  Arch. Virol. 158:2121-2126

34.  Zhou, Z.Y., Y. Geng, X.X. Liu, et al.  2013.  Characterization of a ranavirus isolated from the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus Blanchard, 1871) in China.  Aquaculture 384:66:73



Book Chapters


1.    Post a book chapter on ranavirus.



Popular and News Articles


1.      Gray, M. J. and D. L. Miller.  2013.  The rise of ranavirus: an emerging pathogen threatens ectothermic vertebrates.  Wildlife Professional 7:51-55.





Posting Instructions


Publications published in 2013 are currently being posted.  If you would like to include your publication, please send a PDF file or website link along with the complete citation to mgray11@utk.edu.  Please indicate the appropriate section above.



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