Teaching and Research Positions
- 2003 - Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee
- 2002 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary.
- 1998-2001 - Teaching assistant, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta.
- 1997-1998 - Research assistant, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta.
- 1997 - Research assistant, Department of Biology, University of British Columbia.
- 1996 - Research assistant, Departments of Geology and Geography, Okanagan University College.
Selected publications
- Croser, C., Renault, S., Franklin, J. A. and Zwiazek, J. J.
(2001) Emergence and early growth of Picea
mariana, Picea glauca, and Pinus banksiana under saline conditions.
Environmental Pollution 115:9-16.
- Comparot, S.,M., Reid, D.M., and Franklin, J.A. (2002). Altered
levels of some antioxidant system enzymes
in response to flodding and acidity. Proceedings of Plant Biology Canada
2002 Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Society of Plant Physiologists, Calgary, AB, June 8-12, 2002. Poster
- Franklin, J. A., Kav, N., Reid, D.M. and M. Yajima (2005). Root
temperature and aeration effects on the
protein profile
of camola leaves. Crop Science 45:1379-1386.
- Franklin, J. A., Renault, S, Croser, C., Zwiazek, J. J.
and McKinnon, M., (2002). Jack pine growth and
elemental composition is affected by saline tailings water. Journal
of Environmental Quality 31: 648:653.
- Franklin, Jennifer A., and Janusz J. Zwiazek, (2004). Ion uptake
in Pinus banksiana treated with sodium
chloride and sodium sulfate. Physiologia Plantarum 120:482-490.
- Franklin, J. A. and Zwiazek, J. J. (2001) Saline pre-treatment
of jack pine seedlings for planting on reclamation
sites impacted by saline tailings. Proceedings of the American Society
for Surface Mining and Reclamation
Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 3-7, 2001. Pp 63-67.
- Franklin, J.A. and Zwiazek, J.J. (2001) Selection of jack pine
seedlins for planting on oil sands reclamation
sites. Proceedings of the Society for Ecolgical Restoration Northwest
Chapter Conference, Belview, WA,
April 3-6, 2001. Poster presentation.
- Franklin, J. A., Zwiazek, J. J., Renault, S, Croser, C. (2002)
Growth and elemental coposition of jack pine
(Pinus banksiana) seedlings treated with sodium chloride and sodium
sulfate. Trees: Structure and Function
- Renault, S., Croser, C., Frankline, J.A., Zwiazek, J.J. and
MacKinnon, M. (2001) Effects of consolidated
tailings water on red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings.
Environmental Pollution 113: 27-33.
- Renault, S., Croser, C., Franklin, J.A. and Zwiazek, J.J. (2001)
Effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 on red-osier
dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings. Plant and Soil 233:261-268.
- Turner, S., Franklin, J., and Ellis, S. (1997). A field guide
to the mosses and liverworts of Stanley Park
(Pamphlet). Univeristy of Brisish Columbia Press, Vancouver.