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Graduate Studies

Inquiries from students interested in a M.S. or Ph.D. program in tree physiology are welcome. We are currently seeking motivated graduate students to join us in our research. Some graduate assistanships may be available, but these are highly competitive and assistantships will likely not be available for all interested students. For the availability of assistantships, please contact Jennifer Franklin

Potential areas of research for those considering graduate studies with the Tennessee Tree Physiology Lab include:

  • Effects of soil chemistry on root physiology and tree growth.
  • Effects of soil physical properties on root physiology and tree growth
  • Environmental effects on wood production and properties
  • Physiological limitations that determine species distribution and range
  • Toxicity of environmental contaminants to native tree species
  • Effects of climate change on tree physiology
  • Application of multivariate statistics to physiological data

For more information on graduate programs in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, click HERE


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