clear all; % Supplement to Chapter 8 in book on Ranaviruses (Gray and Chinchar, eds.) % published in 2014 by Springer. % Code is written by Julia E. Earl. Feel free to contact her with questions- % % This model is a stage structured population matrix model for exploring % the effects of Ranavirus exposure in year one on population dynamics. % The model requires input of demographic parameters (survival, fecundity) % for uninfected populations, survival given ranavirus exposure, adult % carrying capacity, and average frequency of ranavirus exposure. % The current form of the model is based on wood frogs (Lithobates % sylvaticus), but a different stage structure could be implemented by % altering the population matrix below. % This is a female-only, post-breeding model, meaning that the numbers of % individuals in each class for a year are that just after eggs are laid. % Extinction is defined very conservatively as zero living individuals. % POPULATION PARAMETERS runs=1000; % each run is a simulation over a certain number of years. years=1000; % number of years for each run. a=4; % number of age classes. xi=[300;300;50;50]; %initial age distribution vector of individuals in %population representing the number of individuals in each age class %the mean survival probability for each age class. p=[0.035 0.3775 0.249 0.12]; % p[1]= probability that an individual survives from egg to year one. % p[2]= probability than an individual survives from year one to year two. % p[3]= probability than an individual survives from year two to year three. % P[4]= probability that an individual in the three year class continues to % survive. % standard deviation for survival probability for each age class. If you want no % variability in survival, set psd values to zero. psd=[0.0245 0.102 0.1575 0.05]; f=[0 0.215 334.5 338.3]; % mean fecundity for each age class %note that fecundities should be adjusted for female survival fsd=[0 0.0548 31.94 31.62]; % sd for fecundity for each age class % If you want no variability in fecundity, set fsd values to zero. K=500; % Adult carrying capacity % DISEASE PARAMETERS % Set disprob to zero or dissurv to one to run the model with no ranavirus %exposure. disprob=0.1; % This is the probability that ranavirus exposure occurs in a % given year. dissurv=0.17; % This is the proportion that survive if exposed to % ranavirus assuming no mortality from any other source, such that the % model would run the same as no ranavirus exposure if dissurv is one. %preallocating for speed N=zeros(1,years); Extinct=zeros(runs,1); finalAdult=zeros(runs,1); ExtinctYear=zeros(runs,1); finalAdult=zeros(runs,1); % RUNNING SIMULATIONS for i=1:runs % Number of times to run whole model Xt=zeros(a,years); %Reserving memory where a is #age classes and % years is number of time steps % X is the number of individuals in each age class at each time step N=zeros(1,years); % The total number of individuals in all age classes % combined in each year. Preallocating for space. % Placing values for starting conditions at years=1 Xt(:,1)=xi; %placing the initial age distribution in the the first column %of the matrix X (X(:,1).... means "every row, first column") N(1,1)=sum(xi); % placing the initial population size in the N vector. %%Begin run of year 2 through final year%% for t=2:years % Drawing values of demographic parameters from distributions specified % above for each year of the model. All are from a normal % distribution. P = abs(normrnd(p(1),psd(1))); F1 = abs(normrnd(f(1),fsd(1))); F2 = abs(normrnd(f(2),fsd(2))); F3 = abs(normrnd(f(3),fsd(3))); F4 = abs(normrnd(f(4),fsd(4))); P2 = abs(normrnd(p(2),psd(2))); P3 = abs(normrnd(p(3),psd(3))); P4 = abs(normrnd(p(4),psd(4))); % POPULATION MATRIX if binornd(1,disprob)==1 % Determines whether it is a year with ranavirus exposure. LX=[F1 F2 F3 F4; P*dissurv 0 0 0; 0 P2 0 0; 0 0 P3 P4]; % Matrix with ranavirus exposure else LX=[F1 F2 F3 F4; P 0 0 0; 0 P2 0 0; 0 0 P3 P4]; % Matrix without ranavirus exposure end %Putting your population Xt, through the Matrix for one time step. Xt(:,t)=floor((LX)*Xt(:,t-1)); % floor means that there can't be fractions %of individuals if Xt(3,t)+Xt(4,t)>K % Checks whether adult population size is greater than the carrying capacity. Xt(3,t)=floor(K/2); Xt(4,t)=floor(K/2); % Sets adult population size equal to carrying capacity equally split % between two adult stage classes. end N(t)=sum(Xt(:,t)); % Calculates the total number of individuals each year end finalX(i,:) = Xt(:,years); % The number of individuals in each age class %in the final year. finalN(i,:) = N(years); % Total population size in the final year. if finalN(i) < 1 % Determines whether the population is extinct. Extinct(i,1) = 1; % Extinct = 0 is not extinct, Extinct = 1 is extinct. end if Extinct(i,1) == 1 idxs = find(N==min(min(N))); ExtinctYear(i,1)=idxs(1,1); % calculates the year of extinction else ExtinctYear(i,1)=NaN; % if not extinct the year is recorded as a missing value. end if Extinct(i,1)==1 finalAdult(i,1)=NaN; else finalAdult(i,1)=finalX(i,3)+finalX(i,4); % calculates the number of adults in the final time step end end % PRINT OUTPUT IN MATLAB DISPLAY Extpops=sum(Extinct); % Number of model runs resulting in extinction disp('Extinction probability') ExtProb=sum(Extinct)/runs; disp(ExtProb) ExtTime=nanmean(ExtinctYear); disp('Average time to extinction') disp(ExtTime) stderrExtTime=nanstd(ExtinctYear)/sqrt(sum(Extinct)); % Standard error of the time to extinction disp('Average final population size') avFinN=mean(finalN); disp(avFinN) stderrFinN=std(finalN)/sqrt(runs); %Standard error of the final population size across model runs disp('Average final adult population size') avFinAdult=nanmean(finalAdult); %Average of the final adult population size across model runs disp(avFinAdult) stderrAdult=nanstd(finalAdult)/sqrt(runs-Extpops); %Standard error of the final population size across model runs % OUTPUT TO CSV FILE Output=zeros(runs,4);%creating matrix for output. %The number next to runs is equal to the total number of variables that you are tracking. Output(:,1)=ExtinctYear; Output(:,2)=finalN; Output(:,3)=Extinct; Output(:,4)=finalAdult; Output; csvwrite('RASYout.csv',Output); % Creates csv file.