white oak (Quercus alba)
Family: Fagaceae
Form: Medium to large tree reaching 60 - 80 ft. in height and a dbh of 3 - 4 ft. with spreading branches.
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Bark: It has light ashy-gray colored bark that can be very thick.
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Twigs and buds: Twigs are light reddish-brown in color, stout, and glabrous. Each twigs has multiple globose terminal buds.
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Flowers and fruit: Acorns mature in one season. The warty cap covers about 1/3 of the acorn.
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Distinguishing characteristics: It has 7 - 9 lobed leaves that do not come to a distinct point like most of the red oak species. It can be distinguished from the post oak by the different leaf shape. It does not have the cross-shape as does post oak.
Range: Southwest Maine to Florida west to eastern Texas
Silvics: It is intermediately tolerant of shade and occurs on mesic to dry upland soils.
Ecological and cultural importance: Wood used in furniture, veneer, and paneling. Deer browse on twigs and leaves. Acorns eaten by a variety of animals. Most important consumers of acorns include: black bear, mallard, wild turkey, and ring neck pheasant. Also very long lived, up to 800 years.