Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
Family: Caprifoliaceae

Form: This is a perennial evergreen vine. It can grow up to 18 ft. in length.




Arrangement: opposite

Shape: Oval - ovate

Margin: entire

Texture: pubescent above and beneath

Venation: pinnate

Bark: N/A



Twigs and buds: A hollow slender twig that is also light brown and pubescent.



Flowers and fruit: It has fragrant white flowers from June to August and black berries from September to March.



Distinguishing characteristics: Evergreen to semi-evergreen species, white-yellow flowers, black berries, and oval-ovate leaves



Range: New York south along coastal plain to Texas. Also present in the Ohio and Mississippi river valley's as well as Ozark mountains.



Silvics: It grows anywhere with best growth in full sunlight.



Ecological and cultural importance: This is an exotic species that is very invasive.